What are services like at Northwest?
In the lobby, you'll find coffee, tea, water, and lots of friendly faces. When worship begins, we sing a few contemporary songs as we invite you into God’s presence. We will take a moment to turn and greet those sitting around us before the kids are invited to go to their classes and one of our pastors shares a message. After the sermon, you are invited to listen for God’s voice as we share a moment of reflection together through a song or silence. Our members give using an offering box in the sanctuary or online by scanning a QR code, but there is no pressure or expectation that guests will make a donation. You're invited to hang out in the lobby and meet some new friends after the service.
Atmosphere of Celebration
In God’s Word, worship is seen as a party. The early church had such a good time that they often drew crowds. Worshipping God is a joy, and you are invited to join the party!
Lively and Diverse Music
We are blessed to have an incredibly talented group of vocalists and musicians leading us in worship each week. You will hear a selection of Urban Gospel, Contemporary, and Traditional styles of music.
Casual and Relaxed
We want you to feel comfortable in our church and in our worship, so blue jeans are fine! Our nursery is available if you need childcare or if you simply need a changing station.
Sacred & Contemporary
God’s Church is rich in heritage and tradition, yet the good news of Jesus Christ is also relevant in today’s culture. That’s why you’ll see a blend of both the old and the new in worship.
Plan Your Visit
Child Care
Our nursery, children’s program, and youth program are available during the 10:00 AM service. You can fill out your family's information on the guest connect card ahead of your visit to speed up the check-in process. Learn more about our about our Children and Youth ministries here.
Our church is located in between the Crestwood and Petworth neighborhoods of Northwest DC. Reserved parking spaces are available for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd time guests, and additional street parking is available on surrounding streets. Use this guide to see more transportation details.
Service Details
Every Sunday @ 10:00am
4100 16th St NW, Washington, DC 20011
202. 829. 4223