Northwest Kids
When you arrive, look for our Children Check-In Center in the lobby (fill out a connect card ahead of time to speed up the process). Children are invited to stay in worship for the first part of our service which will include contemporary, upbeat worship songs. During our informal greeting time, parents/guardians are invited to take their children to the lower level to our children’s program. Teens can walk to their classes during this time as well.
Checking In
Parents/Guardians sign in their children in the lobby upon arrival and then will be prompted to take their children to their classes after the first part of the worship service. You can fill out your family's information on the guest connect card ahead of your visit to speed up the check-in process. Parents pick up their children at the end of service from the individual classrooms. If children require assistance during worship, parents will be alerted by a volunteer. All volunteers working with youth and children must have been attending NWCC for six months, gone through an application process, and passed a background check.